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(Advanced Danish examination)
- For those intending to take a course of higher education carried out in the Danish language

You can find the application deadlines and dates for the Studieprøve examination here.

This qualification is aimed at those intending to follow a course of higher education in Denmark. Studieprøven documents the fact that you have the Danish-language skills necessary to undertake a higher education program in Danish and a deep insight into Danish culture and society.

By taking a Studieprøve preparation course, you will strengthen your linguistic skills and knowledge about Danish society. We concentrate on those areas where you need to improve in order to pass the Studieprøve.

Studieprøven tests four areas:

  • Spoken communication
  • Listening comprehension
  • Reading comprehension
  • Writing skills

The Studieprøve examination is held twice a year.

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